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Where Do You Display Festoon Lights? 5 Best Places To Hang Your String Lights

Here are 5 of the most common places where our clients hang up their festoon lights. They often end up loving the set up, and so will you!

We’ve spent years finding ideas for the best and most popular lighting layouts that work best with most spaces.

LED Festoon lights are usually very easy to set up and install. Make sure that you buy LED festoon lighting that you can plug in via a wall socket power switch.

Here are the 5 ideas to hang up your festoon lights that we’ll talk about more in detail in this article:

#1 – Use Hanging Festoon Lights Inside Your Home
#2 – Solar Festoon Lights In Your Backyard
#3 – The Perfect Lighting Design At Your Wedding
#4 – Set The Mood At Parties & Events
#5 – String Lights In Commercial Setting
What to do next?

Always make sure to measure out your space first before buying any string lights. Finding the right string length and pre-planning your festoon lighting design are both important steps to save cost and time.

Keep reading to find out where you can set up your LED festoon lights.

Where To Place Festoon Lights?

LED Festoon lights can be set up in every setting, indoor and outdoor. Thanks to their easy and simple installation, it’s up to your imagination where to hang them – hang festoon lights in your garden, shop, office… or take a look at the following 5 places below:

#1 – Use Hanging Festoon Lights Inside Your Home

Festoon lights inside your home
Hang them above your dining table or on your balcony!

Illuminated LED festoon lights are a good idea if you want to create a warm and cozy mood. When it comes to interior design, lighting is a powerful tool to give your rooms that little extra.

You can place them in various positions:

– Hang the string lights at the centre of the wall to set the mood for a romantic dinner;

– in the centre as ceiling lights, on walls or pillars in the corners of the room;

– or on the sides of the wall spindles to create a fairy-like effect.

#2 – Solar Festoon Lights In Your Backyard

Festoon lighting display in your backyard
Create a stunning lighting feature everywhere around your house!

LED Festoon lights are one of the most popular and cost-effective ways to illuminate your backyard and garden. These lights are sure to create the most dazzling lighting effects for any space. Consider getting a set of solar festoon lights which come with a solar-powered battery that recharges on sunny days.

Let your creativity run wild and decorate the back or front door of your house. Other ideas are to place string lights on trees, fences, and also on the ground. Festoon lighting is very useful for drawing a path in your garden party by simply placing them along walls.

#3 – The Perfect Lighting Design At Your Wedding

Festoon lighting at a wedding
No wedding should miss this important mood setter.

Use LED festoon lights and other kinds of string lighting, eg. fairy lights, to highlight and illuminate your wedding venue. Create a vibrant and fun environment for your guests and enjoy the festivities.

Whether indoor or outdoor wedding, you can simply display LED festoon lighting on the ceiling or arrange a beautiful canopy of globes at your wedding reception. Optionally, you can also wrap them around pillars and decorate the walls with tiny colorful bulbs to provide a glamorous and romantic look to your wedding decor.

They are a popular choice especially for backyard and garden weddings, on a farm, at a golf club, or in a church.

#4 – Set The Mood At Parties & Events

Festoon lights at a party or event
Ever seen an event without party lighting? Us neither!

LED Festoon lights are an excellent idea for parties, events, and for any holiday season. They are ideal for lighting streets, paths, and steps and will give your party a classy look.

Show LED festoon lighting off on ceilings of rooms, outside the party area, or along the pathway from the entrance of the house to the place where the party will be taking place. This way, guests will be able to walk along the path and get a clear view of the party going on inside.

#5 – String Lights In Commercial Setting

Use festoon lights at commercial spaces
Create a welcoming space for your office, cafe, restaurant, bar, and many more outdoor areas!

LED outdoor festoon lights are a great and cheap way to add color and light to any commercial space. You can find them in both indoor and outdoor areas such as cafes, restaurants, bars, streets and other outdoor spaces.

You can place LED festoon lights above the bar or on the ceiling over the bar. This will create a warm and festive atmosphere.

The light strings are usually attached to the edge of buildings and trees or the branches of trees. You can also place LED festoon lights on objects.

What to do next?

Be sure not to make any of the most common buying mistakes that people do. Check out our guide to find out what to consider before purchasing your set of outdoor LED festoon lights.

Looking for festoon lighting professionals to help you set up for your next event? Click the button below to get a free quote or call us on 08 7082 9332.

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How to hang festoon lights
What is festoon lighting
Where Do You Display Festoon Lights

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